Psychosexual Service
About our service
Our Psychosexual Service is run by an experienced team of therapists. The team provide help and support around sexual, relational, gender and sexual diversity issues.
Our therapists are aware that it can be very difficult to talk about such personal issues and are here to help and support you in a confidential environment.
Some of the most common problems we see in our clinics include:
- erectile difficulties
- vaginismus (involuntary tightening of the vaginal muscles)
- dyspareunia (pain during or after sex)
- reduced or increased sexual desire
- difficulty having an orgasm
- premature ejaculation
Our team provides dedicated help and support to all gender and sexually diverse communities across Wirral.
Please note the service can only offer care, support and intervention to people experiencing psychosexual problems and following a referral from your GP.
For gender support please click here.
Trans, Non-Binary and Intersex people can now access a free counselling service in Cheshire and Wirral. This service is available at any stage of your social and/or medical journey.
Trans & Non Binary Counselling Support Service (
Pyschosexual Service only **
Our Pyschosexual Service is currently providing face to face appointments or a video consultation. This is really easy to use and enables our therapist to engage with you digitally if preferred. if you choose video consultation, once we have successfully booked your e-consult (video consultation) at an agreed date and time (like we would if you were attending in person), you will receive a text confirming your appointment details with a link to follow to our e-consult online page. This page will have the link to our virtual waiting area that you will enter 10 minutes prior to your appointment slot.
Before booking your e-consult appointment, it's worth considering the following:
- Your surroundings and environment - will you be in a private area and not over-heard?
- Will you have access to WiFi? Without it, you will have to rely on your data allowance.
- Are you likely to be interrupted? Most e-consultations can last up to 1 hour long.
- You may wish to use headphones for privacy and to block out background noise.
- Have a pen and paper handy - you may want to take notes.
- The video consultation is free (except your internet usage charge) and data is not used whilst you are in the virtual waiting area.
How do e-consultations (video consultations) work?
Your e-consultation link can be accessed on a PC, Mac, tablet or smart phone, using either Google or Chrome.
A couple of minutes before your appointment slot click on the 'Start' link - you will then be taken through a series of steps to ensure your equipment is set up correctly. Once theses steps are complete, you will then be prompted to enter your name and telephone number - please note, your personal information is not stored in the e-consultation system. Following this, you will be asked to read the e-consultation terms and conditions - you must be happy to agree to these before continuing.
Once these steps have been followed, click 'Next' - you will enter the 'Sexual Health Wirral' virtual waiting area until your consultation begins. You will see yourself on the video and hear music. The waiting area is private and you will not see other patients. When it's time for your consultation, your image will shrink and move to the corner of the screen and you will see the clinician.
Important information
If you aren't online when your appointment is due the clinician will wait 10 minutes in case you are experiencing technical issues - after that we will move to the next patient and you will miss your slot. If you still need our support you will need to call our team (0300 123 5474) and rebook your appointment.
Ready for your pre-booked appointment? Join our virtual waiting room here.
Please do not click in the link above if you do not have a pre-booked appointment - you WILL NOT be connected to a clinician.
To book an e-consultation please call 0300 123 5474.
Your feedback
We'd love to hear about your experience today - please complete our feedback form.
If you have had a negative experience and wish to make a formal complaint please visit the complaints section on Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust's website