Frequently asked questions

Where are your clinics?

We offer daytime, evening, and a Saturday clinic at 2 main locations across Wirral.

The Gemini Centre, 2nd floor St Catherine’s Health Centre in Birkenhead

OurSpace, 1st floor St Catherines Health Centre. OurSpace is which is a young person specific service.

Victoria Central Health Centre 

For further details see our clinic timetable 

Can I be seen if I am under 25?

Yes. All of our clinics welcome of any age.  We also have a dedicated young persons’ service OurPlace. 

Is the service confidential?

All of our services are confidential, which means we will not share your details or tell anybody about your visit, irrespective of your age.

Without your permission we will not:

  • write to your GP about the care/treatment you have received
  • refer you to other specialist services
  • share your information

The only time we may need to discuss you or any of your test results with a GP or healthcare professional is if we:

  • are unable to contact you by your chosen method of communication

feel there is harm to you or somebody else. This is to help protect your health

I had a coil fitted and I am still bleeding

You can bleed for up to 3-6 months after a Mirena coil has been fitted, however, this should just be spotting (light bleeding) either intermittently or continuously. 

However, If you have bleeding along with severe pain, you feel unwell, you have an unusual discharge or are bleeding excessively you should contact us immediately. Call our team to book a telephone consultation on 0300 123 5474.

Can I still have my coil fitted if I am having my period?

Yes. In fact sometimes it can be easier to fit a coil during this time. Our clinical teams are used to fitting coils during a woman’s period. This also rules out any risk of pregnancy.

The removal of my implant is overdue. What should I do?

Contraceptive implants are usually effective for 3 years and it’s important that you make a note of your replacement/removal date. Our clinics do not send out reminders.

If you realise you have gone over 3 years it’s very important that you contact one of our clinics as soon as possible and use an additional method of contraception such as condoms, until your implant has been replaced.  

To have your implant removed or replaced you will require an appointment at one of our clinics. We do not offer walk in sessions for the replacement or removal of implants.

I need emergency contraception. Where can I get it?

Emergency contraception (EHC) is also known as the ‘morning after pill’, And there are two types of emergency contraception available:

  • Levonorgestrel - must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex
  • EllaOne - must be taken within 120 hours of unprotected sex

Our partner pharmacies across Wirral provide free emergency contraception. It’s always advisable to call in advance to check they have a suitable pharmacist on duty who can administer emergency contraception. 

Your own GP can also provide you with emergency contraception by prescription, as can most NHS walk in centres.

The IUD (copper coil) can also be used as a method of emergency contraception but is not suitable for everyone.  Please contact our clinic for more information: 0300 123 5474

I had unprotected sex a couple of days ago and I am worried I may have an STI. How long should I wait before I get tested?

STI’s will not show up in a test immediately after being in contact with someone that has one.  If you have had unprotected sex in the last few days, we are happy to test you, but we always advise a retest 1 - 2 weeks later in case any infection has developed.

If you have any symptoms, you should come along to one of our walk-ins and wait clinics or contact 0300 123 5474 to book an appointment  as soon as possible.

I had some tests taken at clinic, how will I get my results?

Your test results will be sent to you via SMS unless you agree with the doctor or nurse that you will be contacted in another way.  Text, telephone call or letter. Texting is the most popular method of contact, as it’s easy and quick.

If your tests show infection we may text you to ask you to contact the clinic.  If you have not heard from us within 7-10 days then we advise that you contact us on 0300 123 5474.

I was told my tests were negative via a text message. What does this mean?

If you receive a text message or telephone call telling you your recent tests were ‘negative’, this means that no infection was picked up on the sample(s) you provided, so no treatment or medication is required.

Can I get an STI from oral sex?

Yes. Infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea and herpes can be passed on from oral sex. Using condoms or dental dams for oral sex can reduce your risk. If you suspect you have an infection in your throat or have an usual discharge or mucus in your mouth that could be related to an STI contact our clinics: 0300 123 5474

I have just found out I have an STI. How long will I have had it?

There is no way of knowing how long ago you contracted many STI’s, as they can often lay dormant and show no signs or symptoms for long periods of time. There are not always tests available to see if you have if you don’t have any symptoms. In these cases it’s only when you see symptoms such as lumps or blisters that you know something is wrong.

I have taken medication to treat chlamydia and it has made me sick. What should I do?

The usual treatment we give for chlamydia is called Doxycycline.  It is generally taken twice a day for seven days and can sometimes make you feel nauseous and sick. This is a normal side effect so don’t worry. It should pass within a couple of hours.  If you actually vomit within 2 hours of taking your treatment please call our clinic: 0300 123 5474 for advice

Do I need a hepatitis B vaccination?

You can get infected with hepatitis B if you have had contact with an infected person's blood or other body fluids.

We can provide vaccinations to:

  • people who inject drugs or have a partner who injects drugs
  • men who have sex with men
  • male and female sex workers

You will need to contact your GP if you require a hepatitis B vaccination for Other reasons such as employment or travel purposes.

Can I get a pregnancy test at Sexual Health Wirral?

Reliable pregnancy test kits are available to buy from pharmacies and supermarkets and give you the opportunity to take your test in a private and familiar environment. Sometimes your GP may be able to offer you a pregnancy test.

We can provide pregnancy testing to people who are unsure or worried they may be pregnant and possibly require an onward referral or support

I am pregnant and I’m not sure I want a baby right now?

If you feel you do not want to continue with the pregnancy please contact British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) on 03457 30 40 30 (calls are charged at a local rate) who can arrange an appointment for you. Phone lines are open 7 days a week.

If you're not sure about continuing with the pregnancy and need to speak to somebody you can book a telephone consultation with one of our nurses or clinic appointment online